When 2 Or More Are Gathered

Genola Johnson
2 min readJan 4, 2020


There’s a reason Noah had two of everything. And not just to reproduce more of like animals.

When two or more are gathered, a creation of anything can happen. This is true for anything you want to accomplish.

This group doesn’t have to meet face-to-face, it can be virtual. Basically, you want someone to help hold you accountable for what you need to do to get where you are going.

This group will help you with flushing out your ideas to their optimum potential. You may have an idea about doing something. With your other mind (person) your idea moves to an even bigger and better idea. Better than you thought of before.

This other mind (person) helps you by bringing their experiences and combining them with your experiences. Both experiences and idea become one and things start exploding into things you’d never think were possible.

Forming a group of people for a purpose is the fastest way to attract what you want and help you achieve your goal.

I know, you’re wondering, where do you find these people? What if they are backstabbers? I get it. I think about that too.

If you are the only person in your friend group that is trying to make that new change in your life and no one else is seeing things as you do. You might need to change your friend group.

People come into your life for a reason and they leave for a reason. When you find your thoughts are advancing to something more than your friend group is willing or even able to provide for you, then move on to a new group.

Now it is very easy to find new groups of people who want to go to places where you want to be. Social media platforms have groups that are focused on what you want.

Join one or two of them. Network with local networking events, you can easily find at least one person who is aligning with you.

You want to find someone who’s going to hold you accountable, has different skill sets than you and has great chemistry with you. Also, make sure they are positive and want to advance in whatever they are striving for too.

Can you get there alone? Yes. But why not do it in half the time with a mastermind? When two or more are gathered, great things occur.



Genola Johnson

GEBJohnson.com | Creating Purposeful Professions | Lover of Antique Cars | Purpose Download Here https://bit.ly/2MONccB