The Leadership In You

Genola Johnson
3 min readFeb 20, 2020


Get clarity on you. Get to know who you are

This weekend will be the start of 2020 President’s Day and this got me thinking. Being the president of an organization is very important, but it’s more about being a leader. It’s more than just a title. It’s an action, a way to conduct your organization’s direction to their goal.

Leadership is an action that helps a group of people achieve a goal. But, leadership is also how you conduct yourself. It is possible to be your own leader.

Decide, a few things for yourself. Where do you want to be? What do you want to do? To answer these two questions you should have leadership qualities for you.

Get clarity on you. Get to know who you are. It is so hard these days to get into a quiet place and mediate so your mind so you can get clarity. There’s noise everywhere. But in order to find clarity and follow through, you’ve got to get to a quiet place.

Once you’ve reached clarity, figure out whether you need additional training. If so, then get it. You may think, I can’t or I don’t have time. Well, actually you do. You can and you have time.

There are thousands of podcasts on any subject you can imagine. Here’s a link to one on finding your clarity, “Finding Clarity by taking action ft. Kristen Hinman”

In addition to podcasts, there are online and offline courses, books, webinars, etc. There’s training out there and you can afford a lot of them. Podcasts are FREE!! Start there and if your interest is still peaked, then continue on with the paid ones.

You may feel as if you are afraid to branch out into a new career field. If you are scared, then that’s good. It is okay to be scared. When I started my first blog I was scared. Then I did it again and that time, I jumped in with both feet and never looked back.

This happened with my podcast too. I was so scared that no one would listen and that it would be a stupid idea. Now, there are thousands of people listening to my podcast and I’m no longer scared.

Fear can be something that pushes you into a new you. Don’t let it hold you back from being your new you. If the fear you are facing is that you’ve failed. Well, take that as a learning experience, I did, and do it again, Without making that same mistake.

Figure out how you can bring everything you know how to do into one package. For me, this would be my knowledge of small business, writing, and my background in public relations (marketing) has afforded me the opportunity to be able to have a blog, a copywriter using my marketing skills to generate an income for myself.

Was I scared when I started? Hell yes! But I figured, either I sit and be scared and hungry or be scared and eat lavishly. I’m going to eat scared lavishly.

Sign up for my FREE First Step’s Process download today! It will help you reach your goals of being your own leader.



Genola Johnson | Creating Purposeful Professions | Lover of Antique Cars | Purpose Download Here