In Tune

Genola Johnson
3 min readJan 11, 2020


I’ve grown to really understand the concept of being in tune with your intuition. I’ve also realized that this helps one stay safe and create the life they want to live.

To me, this means getting to the place where you are able to really hear what is said. Being in tune with your hunches, instinct, nudges, inner guidance, whatever you’d like to call it is necessary to be successful and get to your true purpose.

First, in order the hear, you must be quiet. If you are always in a noisy environment, i.e. radio always on, t.v. always on, subconscious noise in your head, you can not hear your inner voice guide you to your place of happiness.

Having the ability to connect with inner intelligence helps you to reach your purposeful life much quicker and more authentic.

When you listen, you are able to align with what’s supposed to happen. But putting yourself in the frame of mind to “hear” can be a difficult feat.

I know our lives are busy and finding the time to quiet your mind is hard. The one thing I found to help me listen is to meditate. I meditate before my feet hit the floor each day.

I set my clock 15 minutes before I’m supposed to get up and take that time to meditate. I listen to the air vents, humidifier, etc. (NOT THE TV) to relax my mind. I do this so I can get clarity and answers to the questions that occurred earlier. This also keeps my mind from wandering from one thing to another.

What I’ve found is that I will have a revelation of a solution, a problem or situation. This is not the only time of day that this happens because I am always in tune with me.

Even when I’m going about my day, I’ll get those nudges, ideas, thoughts from nowhere about something I’ve been pondering. Sometimes it’s to do something immediately, or it might be some action to take later.

When I follow through, it’ll take me to the next step of a project that I’m in the middle of. Sometimes it’ll be blatant in my face, other times, it may be subtle. Regardless, I listen.

I know that before I realized what was happening, to me I would ignore those whispers. Then it may come in the form of an email or an article with the answer to my question.

And, sometimes it would come more than one time. Finally, I realized what was happening. I’m getting answers to my questions, I just need to listen. That’s when I started paying attention to them more.

Now, I’m to the point where I am now able to quickly recognize the nudges, listen and follow through.

Pay attention to those signs. I found this video from Abraham Hicks, “The Universe is Sending You a Sign”, check it out.



Genola Johnson | Creating Purposeful Professions | Lover of Antique Cars | Purpose Download Here